What’s THat mean?
Learn the lingo
While looking at the menu or hanging around the restaurant you might hear some lingo you’re not quite familiar with. Here is a little guide to help you fit in.
Through the woods.
Through the woods means taking the back roads.
A thumber is a cheeky way to refer to a hitchhiker.
Rooster Cruiser
A thing of envy. A rooster cruiser is a way to describe a fancy semi.

Big slab – (big road) Interstate
Bumper sticker – vehicle close enough to be an actual bumper sticker on a bumper
Clean shot – road is clear and no police up ahead of you
County Mountie – Sheriff deputy
Diesel bear – Officer specializing in commercial-vehicles enforcement, i.e. trucks
Double nickel – 55 MPH
Full Grown Bear-Also a state trooper, usually used to denote one taking the formality of his job (uniform, hat,
car, mustache) way too seriously
Fog Line – white line
Georgia overdrive – to put your transmission into neutral while going down a hill to increase your speed
Hammer down – mash on it – moving or to move at a pace of speed that is faster then most.
Hundred mile an hour coffee – extremely strong
Left coast – anything on the west coast (understandable when you view a map of the USA)
Rubbernecks – people operating vehicles on the opposite side of the road of an accident scene, slowing down
their traffic lanes for no reason other than to look at the accident scene.
Mama bear – female police officer
Travel agent – trucking company dispatcher
Wiggle wagon – a semi truck that has more then one trailer.
Yard stick – the mile marker that is normally found on either side of the highway
Stack them eights – good bye and good luck
Road rash – skin injury caused by road surfaces
Semipro – a big pickup driving bro hat thinks he’s a “trucker”
Keying up – talking all the time on the channel, cutting other truckers off in the process
Paying the water bill – stopping to restroom
Bear bait – A speeding four-wheeler that drivers hope bears latch onto come feeding time
Bear trap – Speed trap or inspection zone
Care bear – Cop or patrolman at a construction site directing traffic
Smokey bear – State trooper, so-called because of the big hat. Often shortened to bear.