Terms of service.

Terms of Use/Service
Welcome to the Payday Rewards Program, owned and operated by FastBreak LLC. The Payday Rewards Program terms and conditions form the agreement (the “Agreement”) between you (“You”) and FastBreak and its Participating Locations. This Agreement includes any use you make of the FastBreak Points website. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY AS YOUR USE OF THE REWARDS PROGRAM AND ITS ASSOCIATED WEBSITE CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AS THEY MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME.
In order to register for the PAYDAY REWARDS Member Card Loyalty Program (“Loyalty Program”) and to access and use the Loyalty Program website (“Site”), you must agree to these Terms and Conditions as follows:
Eligibility: The Loyalty Program is only available to legal residents of the United States and the District of Columbia. Only one account is allowed per member.
Enrollment: In order to enroll as a “Member” of the Loyalty Program, you must provide PAYDAY REWARDS with the card number from the back of the card, name, address, phone number and e-mail address, or through the mobile app. Using the mobile app you must provide name, address, phone number, and email address.
Earning PAYDAY REWARDS: Members earn “PAYDAY REWARDS Points” by making qualifying purchases at any PAYDAY REWARDS Member Card participating location; You don’t earn points for some items, such as taxes, or gift cards. PAYDAY REWARDS Member Card in its sole discretion may also award points and other rewards, e.g., free food, for the member’s specific behavior or special events.
Every time you make a purchase, you are awarded 3 points for each dollar spent in store and 5 points per gallon. This point rate is subject to change and any change will be reflected in the updated terms and conditions, as contemplated herein.
From time to time, we may provide special rewards upon registration.
Points earned on in-store items and gallons will expire after one year of inactivity. Rewards and bonus point items expire 30 days after earned.
Sweepstakes, contests and other promotions: The Loyalty Program may offer sweepstakes, contests or other promotions that may have rules or their own terms and conditions. Members are required to read those rules and terms and conditions, and to agree and accept to be bound by them in order to participate.
Lost PAYDAY REWARDS Member Card: If you have lost your card, simply visit your nearest PAYDAY REWARDS location for a replacement. Tell the team member that you lost your card and they will give you a replacement card. As long as your original card was registered, the rewards balance can be transferred to the new card.
Suspension/Termination of Membership: PAYDAY REWARDS reserves the right in its sole discretion to suspend a member’s membership in the Loyalty Program in the event of any suspected misconduct, including suspending the member’s ability to redeem reward points and/or other rewards earned in connection with his/her membership in the Loyalty Program. If PAYDAY REWARDS concludes in its sole discretion that the member has engaged in misconduct or that his/her account has been compromised, it may terminate the Member’s membership, including but not limited to terminating the member’s ability to redeem rewards points and/or other rewards earned in connection with his/her membership in the Loyalty Program.
Modification of Terms and Conditions: PAYDAY REWARDS reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify at any time these terms and conditions. Any such changes are effective immediately and the member’s continued enrollment in the Loyalty Program and/or use of the site confirms that he/she accepts the changes and agree to be bound by them.
Termination of Loyalty Program: PAYDAY REWARDS reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate the Loyalty Program. If the Loyalty Program is terminated, members will no longer earn rewards points or other rewards. Ownership of Site
Content: All of the contents of this site are owned and copyrighted by PAYDAY REWARDS and are protected as intellectual or proprietary property. Use of any of the site content without prior consent by PAYDAY REWARDS is strictly prohibited.
Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer: Members use the site at their own risk. PAYDAY REWARDS is not liable for any direct, indirect, special or other damages or losses that may result from the Member accessing this site or using information, services or merchandise provided through PAYDAY REWARDS. This site and the information included on the Site are provided by PAYDAY REWARDS “as is” without any warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. PAYDAY REWARDS is not responsible for interrupted or unavailable network server or other connections, miscommunication, computer transmissions or jumbled, scrambled or misdirected transmissions, or for electrical, network, computer hardware or software or program malfunctions, failures or difficulties or for other errors, omissions, interruptions, or deletions of any kind whether human, mechanical or electronic or for any damage to any person’s computer related to participating in the Loyalty Program. PAYDAY REWARDS liability for rewards points or any other reward containing printing or other errors, if any liability exists, is limited to replacement with other rewards points or reward, while supplies last.
Release: Member hereby releases and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PAYDAY REWARDS from and against any and all costs, claims, damages, or any other injury, whether due to negligence or otherwise, to person(s) or property (including, without limitation, death or violation of any personal rights, such as violation of right of publicity/privacy, libel, or slander), due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to the Member’s participation in the Loyalty Program, or the receipt, use or misuse, of rewards points or any other reward.
Links to Third Party Websites: The Site may contain links to other websites. PAYDAY REWARDS does not have any control over these other websites and it is not responsible for their content or security. If a member clicks on a link to an outside website, he/she does so at his/her own risk and is subject to the privacy policy, and terms and conditions of that website.
Privacy: Any information that a member provides to PAYDAY REWARDS will only be used to identify that member’s account and will never be shared with any 3rd parties.
Choice of Law: These terms and conditions are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
Disputes to Be Resolved Through Arbitration: Except where prohibited by law, by participating in the Loyalty Program, the member agrees that any action arising out of or relating in any way to the Loyalty Program shall be resolved individually and exclusively by final and binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (the “Forum”) and conducted before a sole arbitrator, all pursuant to the Forum’s Commercial Arbitration Rules as supplemented by the Forum’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes (collectively, the “Forum’s Rules”). The arbitration shall be held at a location in the state in which the Member lives. The arbitrator’s decision shall be controlled by these terms and conditions and any of the other rules referenced herein. The arbitrator shall not have the power to award punitive damages against PAYDAY REWARDS or anyone else. There shall be no authority for any claims to be arbitrated (or otherwise disputed) on a class or representative basis; arbitration can decide only the member’s individual claims, and the arbitrator may not consolidate or join the claims of other persons or members who may be similarly situated. ANY RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IS HEREBY WAIVED. Members also agree that (a) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred; and (b) under no circumstances will members be permitted, and members hereby waive all rights, to: (i) claim punitive, exemplary, special, incidental, indirect and consequential damages and any other damages (whether due to negligence or otherwise); and (ii) have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. Any challenge to this provision shall also be resolved by an arbitrator of the forum. If any provision or provisions of these terms and conditions shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.